Tuesday, January 26, 2010

The Other 10%

You often hear the phrase or term 110% thrown around by people & athletes in interviews to overemphasize the effort they put into the task they just completed or will be attempting in the near future. So what do you think can you give 110% or is 100% the limit? I think the answer is yes & no & often times the additional 10% comes out of you in competition.
In my experience in crossfit competitions & meets that I've been a part of I've noticed that pretty consistently I've been able to achieve things that I didn't think I could've before or if I were just working out alone on that specific day. There's something about the competitive environment itself, the energy of the crowd, the essence of the moment, that I thrive in which produces pr's almost without fail everytime out. I'm not the only one this happens to no doubt but I think it's pretty cool to have that happen time & again & now it's to the point where I expect myself to do something I've never done before or reach a new milestone time in a wod if it's in a competition. Believe me just because it's expected doesn't mean the feeling gets old when the new pr comes. It's like the 1st time every time for me which is why I keep coming back for more.

For those of you going into your 1st competition don't be surprised if you lift more weight than you've ever lifted before or done an old wod way faster than you've ever done before, or crush a new wod that you thought would murder you, because an extra 10% can go a long way....


  1. ok seriously, this is my favorite "get it back together" blog. whenever my mental game starts going astray, i just pop on over for my "alex inspiration fix". i'm just sayin.

  2. These posts are "off the hook" good! I seriously cant get enough! I read them even after 5 days in a row, my body beaten up pretty good, after reading this post, I am ready to go back to the box and do a 2-a-day! Great stuff Alex!
