Had to start things off with one of my all time favorite press conferences by NBA basketball player Allen Iverson where he gets into it with reporters in terms of how he feels he can't make his teammates better in practice and how his missing practice isn't important because he shows up for games and plays his heart out.
BUT isn't practice important after all?? For a crossfitter it definitely is. We must continually practice at EVERYTHING in order to maintain a level of competency at EVERYTHING that will prepare us for the unknown, whether in life in general or in competition. Every wod is practice in essence and for me it's played at game speed so that i'm used to operating at that level come competition time or when those unexpected situations arise in life.
Watching Peyton Manning destroy defenses week in and week out in the NFL is a great example. The kid obviously works extremely hard at his craft and does his homework and PRACTICE??!! You better believe he and his receivers are getting in hundreds of reps, running the same patterns over and over again until it's second nature and you see the results in terms of their success on the field.
The takeaway is that make sure you treat each wod as if it's the game and hit it as hard as you can and come game day the great results will be the product of proper preparation.
2 a day today
From the '09 Canada West Regional Qualifier
20 mins AMRAP
10 Wall Ball (20#)
10 Box Jump (20")
10 Deadlifts (205#)
10 Burpees
Rounds - 10 + 2 wall balls
5 rounds thru 9:30 and I just got the next 5 rounds in on the back half. Getting more comfortable with how to handle these 15-20 min amraps in terms of being able to not stop moving for that time frame and divide the intensity and work over the total time. Didn't break up any sets of any movement
1000m row
50 thrusters (45#)
30 pullups
Time - 6:13
All unbroken and the row was 3:32 which wasn't as hard as I could hit it but i wanted to have some juice for the thrusters. If I ever want to get this wod in under 6 mins I'm going to have to hit the row harder and keep everything unbroken still. Good news is that it didn't hurt as bad chest burn wise post wod, so I can tell I'm in better shape than the last time I did the wod when I clocked in at 6:11 and it hurt pretty badly in the aftermath.
1st of 3 high volume weeks and the 1st of a back to back 2 a day weekend for me. Feel good physically and mentally so back at it tomorrow with a clean & jerk 1 rep max and a 1000m row sprint. Let's set 2 new pr's
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