Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Where Am I???

So for the last 3+ weeks I haven't been training with the CF Chicago community rather on my own doing an entirely different set of wods at odd hours not during class times with everyone else so it may seem as though I've disappeared or don't want to workout with everyone else anymore. That statement couldn't be further from the truth, it's just the nature of the beast with what I have going on which is I'm receiving individualized wods from a coach that I've hired to make me an untamed animal. After attending The Black Box Summit down in Austin, TX in Nov '09 it sunk in that if I want to get to the elite status as an athlete/crossfitter that I wish to obtain that I can't do it alone. None of the best crossfitters I've seen have and the same goes for the best athletes in their respective sports past and present.
Think about it - Michael Jordan had coaches, Tiger Woods has a coach, Wayne Gretzky had coaches, Albert Pujols has coaches, Venus/Serena Williams have a coach and I could go on and on. These athletes are or were at the top of their sports and had coaches so why not little old me I thought? So in the spirit of always willing to be a "lab rat" or test subject I took the leap and decided to hire Michael Fitzgerald aka BrOPT out in Canada for some help. The guy was a top 16 finalist in the '09 Crossfit Games and is brother of the '07 Crossfit Games winner James Fitzgerald so he comes with a good pedigree which I can appreciate and respect.
It started with an initial phone conversation where we discussed my goals, current numbers - both strength and metcon - and from there a program has been devised to address my weaknesses and get me ready for my short term goal of doing well at the Sectional Qualifier in mid-February. So far it's been quite interesting and I feel that my game is continuing to elevate although I'm often working out alone with the voice in my head as my "coach." This is basically a 6 week trial to see if I want to continue to use the coaching after Sectionals, so if I perform well at Sectionals then most likely I'll continue to utilize the coaching.
A question for me is am I missing out on the community aspect of getting wods in with my crossfit brothers & sisters of CF Chicago? Well sort of..but I get to coach classes and still see them almost daily and for now that's filling the void for me, but how long can I hold out before I jump into a metcon that is too attractive to pass up on? Might be sooner than you think haha so look out....


10 rounds for time:

10 unbroken chin over bar chin-ups - chin must pass vertical plane at the middle of the bar for rep to count
10 push up burpees

Time - 10:57

Notes - Shooting for sub 10 and was at 5 sets thru about 4:50 but lost pace on back half. Burpees got really slow but pullups were all good, not easy but no close calls in terms of fails. Only breaks were to quickly rechalk hands 2-3 times


Power Clean 3-3-3-3, 120 sec rest - start with a tough weight. Allow for 3 secs b/w reps on the floor

Loads - 185# - 200# - 207# - 215#

Notes - I would guess that my 1RM is more than 225# now if I can get 215# for 3 reps

Front Squat 5-5-5-5, 180 sec rest

Loads - 205# - 215# - 227# - 240#

Notes - 240# was just right to end on. Took good focus and controlled breathing to get it

GHD Raise @ 30X0, 10-15 reps x 3 sets, 60 sec rest

3 sets of 10

Notes - No cramps this time and 3 full sets so a victory


  1. do what you gotta do man...i'm almost certain you are going too be in the top 5.

  2. YO YO! I hear and understand everything you have said regarding your goals and abilities to excel in these 2010 CF games. That being said, and take it for what it's worth. I am willing and able to join you for your WOD's if you need a helping hand in terms of timing, pushing, getting in you face or even doing the WOD's with you! I know I cannot compete on your level(especially at my age), but I still think I can!!! And if there is anything I can do to help you, I will do it! So dont hesitate to ask and I will not be insulted in the least if you dont ask becuse I know you are focused and I certainly dont want to impede that! Your dedication is very inspiring to me! Stay on the path and I know you will be Top 3 going into that last WOD in Aromas and that is when you take all this dedication and training and kick it into high gear and kick some serious ass! Whatever it takes! Man, your posts get me pumped up!
