Wednesday, February 10, 2010


So now you've seen the wods, maybe seen others do it, or actually done them yourself. Do you have a plan in place for how to attack the Air Force Wod? Will you try to squeeze all 20 reps of each movement in 1 minute intervals? Will you try to go for broke and continue to move with the burpees as your only break? Will you try sets of 5s or 10s on each movement or your weakest of the 5? No right or wrong answer to these questions. At this point in your training you ought to know which strategy will work best for you and play to your strengths. Just be sure to stick with that plan of choice come game day.

As for me because I know myself, my tolerance for pain, my commitment to the journey to eliteness, and because of my ego I will probably be employing the go for broke method whereby I just hit the wod as hard as I can and stay in the "Red Zone" until the wod finishes. I usually save a little bit of mental toughness and physical exertion for competition environments so I do not want to practice going there often especially a few days before the event because it is not an enjoyable place to be, but the results that come from it are very pleasurable. I think the last time I really there was last September for Fight Gone Bad 4 when I set a big time pr. I had all these people watching me, expecting great things of me, and I was dealing with pain that was greater than usual as I wanted to stop moving on several occasions but the mental coach in me propelled me to go where I hadn't gone before physically. I hope the same result comes this weekend in the most intense and energetic of environments. If you know me or see me workout you don't usually see or hear much emotion from me but in these type of situations I do get extremely fired up but only when I go to that dark place and come out victorious

Almost time to unleash the beast within....


  1. Good luck this weekend man, your posts have been inspiring all the way through and it's awesome to see all of the hard work you've put in. Definitely gets me pumped for future competitions and certainly for sectionals next year. As always, I'll be cheering on my fellow Irish!

  2. Alex, you remain my hero. I wish I could print these out and save them for a rainy day!
