Friday, February 19, 2010

Sectionals Reflections Part 2

Today I wanted to cover one of the more inspirational athletes that we took down to St Charles with us this past weekend. Before I get into it I don't want to offend anyone that competed this past weekend by not including them as I go down the list in the coming posts with great moments and people because everyone did something this weekend that inspired me literally and just because I don't post about you does not mean that I forgot about what you did or don't think it was worth getting some notariety, so please don't hate me for it.

Today I wanted to talk about the big man Adam C for all he did this past weekend and in particular in wod 1 the Air Force Wod. I may be wrong but the end result officially for Adam in that wod was DNF or did not finish. In watching him first hand go through this wod I would beg to differ and say that DNF stands for Did Not Fail.

That wod, for those of us that endured it, was a tough cookie and when you get to the end having done over 50 burpees and 76 if you hung around the whole 20 mins, it's difficulty grows exponentially. In spite of that fact Adam kept fighting through the indescribable amount of pain he was in and watching him grind out those overhead squats near the end was pretty cool. A few of the judges were watching in the last few mins and I could see how impressed they were with his depth at the bottom of the overheads and there was no mistaking the fact that every rep was legit.

In watching this effort I think of the progress this guy has made in the last few months and it's definitely a testament to the hard work and consistency he's put in at the box and in the kitchen. Weight loss, strength gains, increased mental toughness and more are all byproducts of Adam's work and we were all witness to that this weekend and as he fought hard in the Air Force Wod.

I won't go on too much longer but Adam this one's for you. Solid work this weekend and there's a lot more growth left in you so keep workin hard and great results will happen.....


  1. Alex,

    Thank you! What you just said really means a lot to me. I would also like to thank you for inspiring me to keep pushing!

  2. No doubt, Adam! I loved watching you knock that out with everything you had. You have come so far, so unbelievably quick and hope you realize that no DNF in the world can take that kind of win away. Major snaps!

  3. ALex this was well written, and Adam I agree! You were so inspiring to watch!! Great energy out there!!

  4. Great way to sum it up, Alex. He sooo squashed it and I happily lost my voice cheering! Big heart, Adam! Totally squashed it!

  5. Very nice and useful information shred here.It is from others experiences do we learn more about how to deal with ours.
