Thursday, February 18, 2010

Sectionals Reflections Part 1

He's BAAAAAACK! Finally back to posting here after a good week off. A lot has gone on so it'll take a few posts to get caught up. First of all last weekend at the Midewestern Sectional in St Charles, Missouri CF Chicago tore it up and represented VERY well. The athletes, judges, volunteers, and spectators all were a part of something special. We had some athletes do things they've never done before, set new pr's, push their physical and mental boundaries like never before, and in general grow as athletes, crossfitters, and people.

Our sport truly is different than most others in the camaraderie it has as we also got a chance to meet, compete with, and watch some other great athletes destroy the wods we were asked to complete. For all of us these competitions serve as learning experiences and launching pads for the future as it's easy to get caught up in the small world of our individual boxes day to day. When we go out and see who and what else is out there we gain a new perspective on our training methods and also new ideas from others who do the same things but may be getting different or better results. Never stop being a student of the game and you'll never plateau. I think that statement reigns true in all aspects of life because if you think you've mastered something (especially something as complex as crossfit) then you truly don't know what you don't know.

I could probably go on for the next 30 mins here but like I said it's going to take a few posts to get all caught up so we'll chip away at it. Good to be back and next up we'll start getting into some of the more inspirational moments/performances from this past weekend, the wods themselves, and then where we go next. Stay tuned we're just getting started....


  1. Hurry Up Alex! I can't wait to read more!

  2. Alex, these posts are wicked! I lose track of time and could continue to read all day! Bring it on!
