Thursday, February 4, 2010

Ready To Go.....It's About That Time

I'm at the point where I feel like I've done all I can do. I've prepared for most everything. Worked on my weaknesses and strengths. Been eating well (but still with my usual cheats), getting enough sleep, stretching post wod, and have no major aches and pains. I mean it's time.. All the hard work over the past 6 weeks is about to come to a boiling point in 9 days. I've got 4-5 more wods to finish up before the Event so what I plan on doing is going into a competition mindset with those remaining wods. Time to practice taking the next step in intensity where I give everything I have and then that little extra, where my mind blocks out and purges the pain and I laugh at the challenge in front of me with unwavering swagger. The solo training is starting to get boring and I need more stimulation, energy, and action going on around me. All the business has been taken care of and now it's time to lay it all out on th eline and have some fun and of course WIN,

For Total Reps - Pace reps/don't drop off

120 sec Squat Clean & Split Jerk - 185# - 7 reps
120 Sec Double Unders - 124 reps
90 sec Squat Clean & Split Jerk - 5 reps
90 sec Double unders - 81 reps
60 secs SC & SJ - 3 reps
60 sec double unders - 60 reps
30 sec SC & SJ - 2 reps
30 sec double unders - 33 reps

Total - 315 reps

Nice, didn't realize I was supposed to do all split jerks until I just now posted it so I probably missed out on 2-3 reps on the clean and jerks. Goal was to stay at 1 rep every 15 secs and I was just behind that pace. Double unders I usually avg 1 per sec and I was about there so that was fine. Jerks were all over the place today - some push, some push press, some split jerk , some splot jerk. Didn't fail any though but didn't do the wod as Rx'd (d'oh!). In any event I'm actually starting to like cleans in wods which I never thought I'd say. It's a movement that requires me to focus, maintain good form, and use some mental toughness to keep going. Still not great at it but a more positive attitude towards them will carry me far I believe.


  1. i feel the same way too, I am about ready too get it over with. I am just glad i don't have to cut weight lol.
